Hey my lovely readers! Today I wanna show you my July favourites! I know I'm a bit late on this, but I wanted to do this post anyway, because I didn't have done these kind of posts since a long time... So lets jump right into it!
First I wanna show you my new Real Techniques Brushes! You probably all know these brushes and I felt upon the hype and ordered some of them. I use them now for a few weeks and I have to say, they are worth the hype! They are so soft on the skin, they are handy and I really like the look of them! They come in different metallic shades like lilac, pink and orange.
The next favourites are some nailpolishes. At the moment I'm so into purple shades like lavender, lilac and mauve colors! They are so cute for summer! One I'm really loving is the "Gum Drop" by Revlon, which I'm already wearing right now (take a look at the second picture!) and the "Diva Violet" by Max Factor.
Reffering to mascara I gave Max Factor a chance and bought the False Lash Effect Mascara. I use this one since weeks now and I'm surprised how much I like it! It gives your lashes volume and lenghts without beeing clumpy or smudgy! Definitely worth a rebuy!
The other thing I'm loooooooving right now is the Watt's up highlighter from Benefit....Benefit I love you for doing what you do! Before I bought this baby I never used highlighter constantly, because I never thought this would do something for me. BUT NOW I have this one and I love to highlight my face! This one has a gorgeous shade which goes with any kind of skintone. It's a champain, golden color and it just makes you look glowy and super beautiful! If you want to see a full review on this, please let me know in the comment section down below!

Yes, I bought a shampoo from Origins...I was searching for a good cleansing shampoo for so long and now I found one, which is awesome! It is the Origins "No Deposit" shampoo. It says it icludes "(...)clarifying Florida Grapefruit and invigorating French Peppermint (...)" and that it sweeps "(...)away the clingy deposits that drag hair down and leave it lifeless." Once a week or so I wash my hair with this and when I do it I really can feel how clean and fresh it is! The scent is also very refreshing and it definitely smells like grapefruit and peppermint! Mmmmmh...

Now on to my last beauty related favourite - the skincare product. I'm trying out Clinique at the moment, because my Clarins go-to face cream was to heavy for me in summer and I tended to get oily with it. This Clinique cream is called "moisture surge"and i's a gel-creme. I test it now for one week or so and until now i like it! It leaves my skin soft and it moves into the skin soooo quickly! The smell of it is okay, but I have to say, the Clarins products are smelling a lot better ;)
Now, I want to share some fashion favourites with you, too! Here I have a necklace which I was wearing constantly for one week. It's from H&M and looks like black spikes. It looks very edgy and can be combined with almost everything! It beefs up a basic t-shirt or just as well a dress!
And my other fashion favourite is my boyfriend jeans from Zara! I'm so in love with it, I kind of live in it! It fits so well and it's such a good quality even so it has so many cut outs!
Now we are done with this long post! I hope you liked it and I showed you some things you maybe wannan try out now! I 'm really trying to do more of these posts now, because I really like doing them! Tomorrow it's friday again and I have a lot of plans for the weekend! I want to visit my godchild, I want to go to the amusement park and I also have to go to a birthday party...What are your plans for this weekend? Hope you guys have a great evening!
Lots of love